Sarah Moore

Sarah Moore

Feature Writer

B.Sc. Psychology, M.Sc. Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience

After studying Psychology and then Neuroscience, Sarah quickly found her enjoyment for researching and writing research papers; turning to a passion to connect ideas with people through writing.

With almost 5 years as a writer, researcher, and editor, Sarah is proud to have worked with a number of industries, producing an array of works. From an editor at a literary and arts magazine to producing blogs and content for international brands, to indulging her personal passions in creating content focused on science and health.

Articles from Sarah

The Importance of Hormone Status in Breast Cancer: A Guide to Hormone Dependent Breast Cancer (HDBC)

The Importance of Hormone Status in Breast Cancer: A Guide to Hormone Dependent Breast Cancer (HDBC)

How Biotech Companies are Reshaping the Mental Health Landscape

How Biotech Companies are Reshaping the Mental Health Landscape

Lupus and Beyond: Exploring the Common Comorbidities of this Autoimmune Disease

Lupus and Beyond: Exploring the Common Comorbidities of this Autoimmune Disease

Lupus and Pregnancy: Advancements in Research and Future Directions

Lupus and Pregnancy: Advancements in Research and Future Directions

What is the Importance of Vaccination Coverage?

What is the Importance of Vaccination Coverage?

The Big Catch-Up: How the COVID-19 pandemic impacted vaccination coverage

The Big Catch-Up: How the COVID-19 pandemic impacted vaccination coverage

World Health Day: Celebrating 75 Years of the WHO

World Health Day: Celebrating 75 Years of the WHO

Babies' gut microbiome is not influenced by vaginal microbiome, new study suggests

Babies' gut microbiome is not influenced by vaginal microbiome, new study suggests

What does ChatGPT mean for Healthcare?

What does ChatGPT mean for Healthcare?

The Science of Gratitude

The Science of Gratitude